Tips for Coping

Consider these self-care suggestions to prioritize your well-being during this time of uncertainty:

  • Be aware of the over-saturation of media exposure. While it is important to stay informed of best practices and take health-related precautions, over-consumption of COVID-19 news can produce unnecessary anxiety. Consider unplugging and live in the moment.

  • Prioritize balanced healthful living. As always, it is crucial to take care of your mind, body and spirit, not only to boost your immune system but also to alleviate stress. Aim to eat a well-balanced diet; set aside time to exercise regularly, stretch, journal, or meditate; and prioritize getting 7-8 hours of sleep each night.

  • Stay connected. We understand that the shift to remote learning is bittersweet, and many students share concerns of feeling isolated or disconnected from their homes and/or support systems. Utilize text, phone, and video conferencing to stay in contact with family members and friends. Consider releasing what you are feeling by sharing your thoughts and concerns with others - you may find commonalities, which can help you feel less alone.

  • Think positively & change your perspective. During times of uncertainty, it is not uncommon for individuals to be uncomfortable with feelings of powerlessness or loss of control. Please remember that this situation is temporary and maintain hope that things will get better. Consider implementing healthy coping and calming strategies to manage these emotions