Oxford College Faculty Bylaws
August 27, 1991
In accordance with the By-Laws of Emory University, the following by-laws are adopted to govern the organization and procedures of the faculty of Oxford College.
Section 1. Members.
Members are those full-time faculty who hold regular appointments at the ranks of professor, associate professor, assistant professor, teaching professor, associate teaching professor, assistant teaching professor and whose primary appointments are in Oxford College.
Section 2. Associate Members.
Associate members are those faculty who (1) hold ranks not specified in Section 1; or (2) hold part-time or fixed-term visiting appointments; or (3) hold ranks of Instructor or Senior Instructor in the CHL; or (4) are appointed as Dean of Student Life, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, or Dean of the Library; or (5) hold primary appointments in other schools of Emory University and are duly appointed following the policies and procedures of the College.
Section 3. Members of the Divisions.
In the application of these by-laws, the membership of faculty in the Divisions of Humanities, Natural Science and Mathematics, and History and Social Sciences, shall be as stipulated at the time of their appointments.
Jurisdiction and Functions
Jurisdiction and functions of the Oxford College faculty are set forth in the By-laws of Emory University, Article IV, Sections 1 and 2.
The Dean of the College shall be Chair of the Faculty. The Vice-Chair of the Faculty shall be Chair of the Organization and Procedures Committee (OPC) who will be elected in the spring of odd-numbered years to serve a two-year term beginning the following fall. Nominations may be made to OPC or be taken from the floor. The Secretary of the Faculty shall be elected annually by the faculty. The Dean may appoint, with the consent of the faculty, a Parliamentarian. These elective and appointive officers shall perform the duties usually pertaining to their positions.
Section 1. Standing Committees
I. Organization and Procedures Committee
1. The duties of this committee are:
a. to conduct an on-going review of the faculty structure and reporting procedures and of each committee's functions;
b. to make recommendations to the faculty regarding item a;
c. to establish, with faculty approval, guidelines for the conduct of faculty meetings (scheduling, agenda, etc.);
d. to consider, at the Dean's request, matters related to items a. and c.;
e. to recommend to the faculty the membership of all standing committees of the Faculty and of the College, whose method of selection is not otherwise specified in these By-Laws.
f. to compile and maintain a list of all faculty memberships and offices.
2. The membership shall consist of:
a. the Vice-Chair of the faculty, who shall chair the committee;
b. the Senior Associate Dean of Academic Affairs (or his/her designee);
c. three faculty members representing the academic divisions and serving two-year terms.
The faculty shall elect the members at a regularly scheduled faculty meeting of each spring semester in even numbered years. Nominations may be submitted to OPC or taken from the floor. The terms of the members shall commence at the beginning of the succeeding fall semester.
II. Academic Policy and Planning Committee
1. The duties of this committee are:
a. to establish, with faculty approval, guidelines for academic policy;
b. to enact policy under established guidelines;
c. to maintain an on-going review of the integrity of the academic program with regard to core curriculum and long-range needs and in the light of specific course proposals;
d. to consider specific course proposals and to make recommendations to the proposer(s) and to the faculty regarding the approval of such proposals;
e. to review instructional proposals, such as course schedules;
f. to work with the Academic Appeals Committee in establishing guidelines for procedures and policies in regard to academic appeals.
2. The membership shall consist of:
a. the Senior Associate Dean of Academic Affairs (or his/her designee), who shall serve as chair;
b. three members chosen annually by and representing each academic division (normally the division chair) and a member representing the Center for Healthful Living (normally the CHL Academic Coordinator);
c. four at large faculty representatives serving two-year terms.
The faculty shall elect two such faculty members at a regularly scheduled faculty meeting each Spring Semester. Nominations may be submitted to OPC or be made from the floor. The term of the members so elected shall commence at the beginning of the succeeding fall semester.
III. Faculty Advisory Committee
1. The duties of this committee are:
a. to represent the interests and concerns of the faculty and when appropriate bring these to the relevant administrative officers, with the expectation for response to those concerns;
2. The membership shall consist of:
Four tenured members elected by the faculty. Two members will be elected at a regularly scheduled faculty meeting of each Spring Semester. Nominations may be submitted to OPC or be made from the floor. The members shall serve two-year terms commencing at the beginning of the succeeding fall semester.
IV. Faculty Development Committee
1. The duty of this committee is to facilitate the professional, pedagogical, and scholarly growth of the faculty through disbursement of and advocacy for internal financial support.
2. The membership shall consist of:
a. Three faculty members, one from each academic division. Members of the committee shall be elected by faculty vote to serve three-year staggered terms. Each spring semester, an election will be held for one faculty member in the division whose representative will complete their term of service in that semester. One of these members shall be designated as Chair by the members of the committee. Nominations may be made to OPC or submitted from the floor.
b. The Associate Dean of Faculty Development (ADFD). The ADFD will have an advisory role by attending FDC meetings, helping with budget requests, and collaborating with all FDC/OCTS funding proposals and the organization of the faculty colloquia.
c. Only elected faculty members of FDC can represent the committee in meetings in need of FDC representation. In the event that an FDC member has a conflict of interest surrounding the disbursement of internal funds (e.g., they submitted a proposal), they may appoint a temporary replacement from their division.
V. Academic Appeals Committee
1. The duties of this committee are:
a. to work with the Academic Policy and Planning Committee in establishing guidelines for academic appeals, such guidelines to have faculty approval;
b. to hear student academic appeals and to make recommendations regarding such appeals to the Dean and/or the faculty.
c. to hear appeals from Honor Council cases, as provided for in the Oxford College Honor Code.
2. The membership shall consist of:
a. the Senior Associate Dean of Academic Affairs or his/her designee, who shall serve as Chair;
b. four faculty members appointed by the Senior Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, three of whom represent the three academic divisions.
VI. Lyceum Committee
1. The duties of this committee are:
a. to plan and promote programs (such as the Eady programs) and other activities which will enhance the cultural life of the College and of the larger Oxford/Newton County community;
b. to work closely with the faculty and others involved in presenting cultural events;
c. to conceive, develop, and implement a yearly Lyceum calendar of cultural events;
d. to inform the Director of Development of funding needs for presentation of cultural events at the College; first for physical facilities and equipment and second, for programming.
2. The membership shall consist of:
a. four faculty members, to be nominated by OPC or from the floor and approved by the faculty at a regularly-scheduled faculty meeting in the spring semester of even numbered years. At least one committee member shall be chosen from faculty in Art, Dance, Drama, or Music. One member will be designated as Chair by the membership of the committee.
b. the Dean of Campus Life or his/her designee.
c. the Director of Development or his/her designee;
d. Technical Director of Performing Arts and Special Events;
e. Events Coordinator.
VII. Center for Healthful Living Academic Oversight Committee
1. The duties of this committee are:
a. To advise the Center for Healthful Living Director on all academic aspects of the CHL’s mission, goals, and programming
b. To assess outcomes and quality of instruction in CHL credit-bearing courses
c. To serve as liaison between CHL and the Academic Policy and Planning Committee
1. Membership shall consist of:
a. One faculty member who is an instructor in the CHL to be nominated by OPC for a two-year term and approved by the faculty at a regularly scheduled faculty meeting during spring semester of odd-numbered years
b. One non-CHL faculty member to be nominated by OPC for a two-year term as Chair and approved by the faculty at a regularly scheduled faculty meeting during spring semester of odd-numbered years
c. One non-CHL faculty member to be nominated by OPC for a two-year term and approved by the faculty at a regularly scheduled faculty meeting during spring semester of even- numbered years.
d. the CHL Course Coordinator
e. the Director of the CHL
VIII. The Oxford College Tenure and Promotion Committee
The Tenure and Promotion Committee is a representative committee of the Oxford College faculty whose purpose is to review, comment, and vote on the tenure and promotion cases of tenure-stream faculty at Oxford College of Emory University. The Committee’s reviews, comments, and vote on each faculty member’s case for tenure and/or promotion, as well as its reviews, comments, and vote on each faculty member’s third year review, come to the Senior Associate Dean of Academic Affairs alongside that of the faculty member’s Division. The Committee’s decision should not, then, be taken to supersede or overrule the report of the Division. Rather, the Committee shall take the place of previous college policy requiring each tenured member of the faculty to comment on each tenure decision, formalizing the process of ensuring that the faculty as a whole is represented in each tenure, promotion, and third-year retention decision at the college.
1. The duties of this committee are:
a. To review materials concerning the promotion of individual faculty to the ranks of Associate Professor with tenure, the tenure of faculty members initially hired at the rank of Associate professor without tenure, and materials concerning the third-year review of each faculty member. The Committee shall review all recommendations concerning promotion to Associate Professor with tenure, the tenure of Associate Professors, and re-appointment following the third-year review, whether positive or negative.
b. To report to the Senior Associate Dean of Academic Affairs its recommendations regarding such reviews.
2. The membership shall consist of:
Six tenured faculty members not currently serving as Division Chair: two from each division. The chair of the committee shall be elected by the committee annually, and that chair shall change annually.
Members of the Committee shall be elected by faculty vote to serve three-year staggered terms. The OPC shall solicit nominations and conduct elections at the end of each spring semester for two faculty members from the Divisions whose members will complete their terms of service in that semester.
In the case of sabbatical or regularly scheduled leave, an election will be held to choose a temporary replacement. In exceptional circumstances, the Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs may appoint alternates when members are unable to serve for any reason.
3. The Committee will review materials as follows:
a. For consideration of promotion to the rank of Associate Professor with tenure (and for cases concerning the tenure of Associate Professors) the Committee shall meet after the Academic Division has deliberated and shall consider the recommendation of the Academic Division along with the candidate’s dossier (including letters from outside and student reviewers) and letters solicited from tenured members of the faculty outside of the Academic Division. Members of the Committee shall attend the meeting at which their Division reviews the candidate, but will not vote.
b. For consideration of continued appointment following the third-year review, the Committee shall meet after the Academic Division has deliberated and shall consider the recommendation of the Academic Division along with the candidate’s dossier (including letters from outside and student reviewers). Members of the Committee shall attend the meeting at which their Division reviews the candidate, but will not vote.
4. After deliberations on cases involving promotion to the rank of Associate Professor with tenure (or cases concerning the tenure of Associate Professors), the members of the Committee shall vote on the candidate’s promotion. The vote totals shall be recorded and reported to the Senior Associate Dean of Academic Affairs. The Chair of the Committee will present a report to the Senior Associate Dean of Academic Affairs that synthesizes the Committee’s discussion.
5. After deliberations on third year review cases, the members of the Committee shall vote on the candidate’s continued appointment. The vote totals shall be recorded and reported to the Senior Associate Dean of Academic Affairs. The Chair of the Committee will present a report to the Senior Associate Dean of Academic Affairs that synthesizes the committee’s discussion. When the Committee’s vote is in favor of retention, elements of this report relevant to the candidate’s continued progress toward tenure will be provided to the candidate and the candidate’s Division Chair.
Section 2: General Committee Procedures
I. Administrators. The Dean shall appoint any administrative members of committees.
II. Students. On the recommendation of the Organization and Procedures Committee, the faculty shall determine which committees shall have student members.
III. Committee Reports. Committees shall report their activities regularly. Such reports may be given to the faculty in writing or orally at faculty meetings. The faculty may specify the frequency of written reports.
IV. Ad Hoc Committees. Ad hoc faculty committees may be created by the Dean of the College. Membership will be regulated by the faculty.
V. Review of Committee Action. The faculty shall reserve the power of review over the actions of any committees. Review of the action of any committee may be appealed to the faculty upon the written petition of at least 33% of the voting members of the faculty. A vote of the majority of the total voting faculty shall be required to alter the action of any committee.
VI. Visitors. Any faculty member may attend any committee meeting except in the instances when the committee determines that confidentiality is necessary. The extent of the faculty member’s contributions will be determined by the standing members of the committee.
Relations with Other University Bodies
Section 1. The Vice-Chair of the Faculty (or another member of OPC) attends meetings of the Emory College of Arts and Sciences Senate as a non-voting representative.
Section 2. The President of the Emory College of Arts and Sciences Senate (or designee) attends meetings of the Oxford College faculty as a non-voting representative, and shall have floor privileges.
Section 1. Meetings. Regular faculty meetings shall include all members of the faculty and others granted floor privilege (see Section 3 below). The time and place of such meetings shall be set by the Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. The faculty may specify the frequency of such meetings.
Special faculty meetings may be called by the written request to the Dean of 33% of the faculty.
Section 2. Agenda. Faculty meetings shall be announced sufficiently in advance to permit members to submit proposals for the agenda. The agenda will be distributed at least one week in advance of any regular meeting. An item not on the announced agenda may be added and discussed at a meeting by a vote of 50% of those members present.
Section 3. Voting and Floor Privileges. All members of the faculty as defined in Article II shall have voting and floor privileges. All Associate Members of faculty as defined in Article II shall have floor privileges. All voting on election of faculty will be by secret ballot. In addition, the faculty may grant voting privileges to Associate members by motion and simple majority vote. If the parliamentarian is a member of the faculty, he or she retains all voting and floor privileges.
Section 4. Elections. Elections to faculty committees shall be conducted through ranked-choice voting. Elections shall be by secret ballot, without a teller’s report, and may be held online or in-person.
Section 5. Quorum. Sixty percent of the faculty less those on leave who are not in attendance will constitute a quorum at all faculty meetings. Motions shall be passed by majority vote. In the case of a mail-in or electronic vote, a sixty percent response of the faculty will constitute a quorum.For this and all other voting purposes, the total count of the faculty will be all regular faculty minus any faculty on leave.
Section 6. Visitors. Persons other than those with floor privileges may attend regular faculty meetings, but must not interfere with the proper deliberations of the session. The Chair may grant permission to visitors to speak. Meetings may be closed by majority vote of the faculty, or by ruling of the Chair.
Section 7. Minutes. Copies of the minutes of each faculty meeting shall be sent to members of the faculty.
Parliamentary Authority
The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall govern the Oxford College faculty in all cases in which these rules are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the Oxford College Faculty By-Laws, or with By-Laws of Emory University, or any special rules of the Faculty, or special rulings by the Chair.
These By-Laws may be amended at any meeting of the faculty by a two-thirds vote of the total membership of the faculty, provided that notice of any proposed amendment has been given to the faculty at a preceding meeting or in writing at least one week in advance of the meeting at which the proposed amendment is to be acted upon.
Revised February 16, 2010
Revised August 21, 2013
Revised February 12, 2014
Revised March 24, 2015
Revised January 23, 2018
Revised May 8, 2019 rb
Revised April 22, 2022 nn
Revised September 7, 2023 sah
Revised November 20, 2024 sah