Humanities Hall
Construction is complete at Humanities Hall!
May 21, 2021 Update
On the interior, work on the side and front stairs is in progress. The installation of lighting fixtures, interior glass, and elevators is nearly complete. The interior trim work, including final painting and touch-up, is also nearing completion. On the exterior, painting, pouring of concrete sidewalks, and the installation of granite steps and brick pavers are all underway. Project completion is expected in June, with occupancy/move-in to follow in July. To see photos of progress, visit our latest gallery of construction photos.
January 19, 2021 Update
The Humanities Hall renovation project, which began in summer 2020, is more than halfway through its construction timeline. On the exterior, the roof framing and decking installation are complete. The historic, original window frames have been stripped of old paint and prepared for a painting refresh.
On the interior, wall framing is underway on both floors. The insulation and drywall for all ceilings is complete, and the rough-in for the electrical elements has begun.
Completion of the project is expected in May, and the building will be open and ready for the start of Fall Semester 2021 in August. The finished building will offer classrooms with latest academic technology, including a film-production classroom; an auditorium classroom designed for film viewing; and faculty offices.
The Office of Facilities, which oversees all construction projects, is now offering tours of the building. Randy Simon, director of facilities planning and operations, will lead tours of the project on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. COVID restrictions will limit the number of persons per tour, and all related practices such as wearing face coverings, will be mandatory. If you are interested in joining a tour, please send an email to Renée Hastings: