November 2024


Summer Hours
Mon - Thurs:
9am - 4pm, CLOSED 12-

Fri:(Virtual Finance Window)
9am - 4pm, CLOSED 12-

Sat & Sun: Closed

Finance Roundtable Chat Recap 

We would like to thank everyone that attended the Finance Roundtable Chat!  We have included a summary of the discussion to keep in mind as we move into budget planning for fiscal year 2025-26.  

There will be a change to how budget requests are submitted beginning with FY26 budget season.  We are transitioning to a Kuali form and discontinuing the use of the budget request spreadsheets.  This form will allow budget managers to give access to their team/department and review their submissions before they are sent to Finance, like how some use the spreadsheet today.   

We are going to invite a few departments to pilot the form prior to its launch at the budget kickoff next month.  If you are interested in participating in the pilot program, please reach out to Lavonne.  

Campus Refresher 

Topics and presentations shared during the recent Campus Refresher, are located on the Finance website.  


Campus-Wide Contracts 

Finance created a list of vendors/performers that have active one-year contracts.  The list includes information like type of product or service, and dates contract and certificate of insurance are active.  Please go to the Finance website and the list is located under ‘Resources’. 


Emory Express Updates: 

Paying Individuals: 

There is a new step involved with paying individuals.  Now a completed sif (supplier information form) must be submitted through the Emory Express Supplier Request form.  Once approval is received, you may proceed with normal processing of the payment request.  Remember to also attach the signed sif to the request.   

New employees:   

If you have a new employee starting that will need access to the finance systems, please remember to send them the Finance team.  If you are in academics, contact Ronika.  Operations, contact Brianna, and all others including Library contact Lavonne. 


Fall & Spring Hours: 

Mon - Fri: 

9am - 4pm, CLOSED 12-1pm 


Reminders: - 

Facilities, Furniture & Office Needs: Email: (Office of Facilities & Planning) 

Technology, Computer & Software Needs: Submit a Ticket @ AskIT or Email: (OCIT) 

Planning an Event: 

Flight Exemption Request: Travel Airline Exemption Request. 

Finance Liaisons: 

Acad Depts incl Enrollment Services, Contracts, Grants: Ronika Alexander-Ortman 

Non-Academic Depts including HR, Invoices, T & E Reports: Brianna Hill 

Independent Operations, including OCIT & Library: Lavonne Smith 


Upcoming Events: 

Campus Refresher - TBA 

Budget Kickoff – November 1, 2024 

Spring 2025 course registration is Nolvermber 11 -14