Network Connectivity

Network Connectivity

Two-Factor Authentication (DUO) 

Duo is required whenever you log in to a Duo-enabled Emory service from an off-campus location (e.g., off the Emory network or Emory WiFi Network). Examples include Office365, OPUS, 25Live.

Duo (instructions) is a two-factor authentication system that Emory uses with multiple services to increase security. After you log in with your NetID and password, Duo confirms your identity by any of the following methods you choose: 

  • Sending a push notification to the Duo Mobile app on your smartphone that you acknowledge to confirm your identity 
  • Entering a passcode that you requested via the Duo Authentication prompt, or that you generated on your Duo Mobile app, or displayed on a hardware token 
  • Responding to a phone call that was sent to your mobile phone or landline 

Virtual Private Network (VPN) 

Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a computer network that creates secured access to the Emory University’s internal network. VPN enables Internet traffic to travel securely over a public network by encrypting all the traffic from one network to another. 

Remote access from off campus are available to Emory users through authentication with an Emory Network ID (NetID) and password. As a standard all Oxford employees need to use VPN to connect to Emory’s Network. VPN access is through a web browser or a standalone client. 

Faculty and Staff: Office Computer Connectivity

Remote Desktop, included with Windows Operating System, can be used to connect to a computer at Emory across the internet from virtually any windows computer, or Smartphone. It allows access to all programs, files, and network resources in the same manner as sitting in front of the computer at work. Contact OCIT if you are interested in setting up remote desktop access. 


The Oxford College wireless network, is a secure data network found in the residential halls that provides wireless connectivity called EmoryUnplugged. Once on campus, to connect to EmoryUnplugged, follow these instructions

If you are unable to connect your computer to EmoryUnplugged please bring the computer to Student Technology Support in the Library for assistance.

Computer Registration in Residence Halls

Connecting to EmoryUnplugged in a residence hall is a two-step process:

  • Installing anti-virus software if your computer doesn’t have one and
  • Installing software called Clearpass which is available for download when you arrive on campus by browsing to a web site, you’ll be prompted to download Clearpass.  

Emory requires an anti-virus to be installed and active on your computer to connect to the network. Please see the follow page for a list of some options - Anti-virus and Malware protection options


  1. Connect to EmoryUnplugged
  2. In a browser, attempt to navigate to a web site (ex.,  You will be redirected to the registration page.
  3. Choose the link to download the agent that corresponds with your Operating System.
  4. Once downloaded, run the installer.
  5. If prompted for permission, click Allow or type in the admin name and password of the computer.
  6. After installation you will notice a new icon in the task bar or menu bar area.  If you see a green icon, your computer passed and should be able to access the internet.  If your icon is red, you computer has not met one of the following requirements:
    • Anti-virus or Operating System is incorrect.
    • Your computer is out of date.  Run system updates.
    • Your OS firewall is turned off.
    • If there is no change in the computer status after verifying both A and B, restart your computer.  If there continues to be an issue after the restart, Student Technology Support can assist.

EmoryGuest for Gaming, Smart TV or Streaming Devices

Students can self-register their devices via the Wireless Guest Device Registration link provided on

Registering devices on EmoryGuest is intended for devices that do not support WPA2 Enterprise authentication. All devices on the EmoryGuest network will not be able to communicate directly with other wireless devices (such as devices that ‘cast’ to other devices or wireless printers). Internal Emory resources are only available to devices connected to EmoryUnplugged.


  1. You will need your MAC address to register your device.  You can search the manual or web search for instruction on how to obtain the MAC address (ex. 00:1A:2B:33:CC:4D). 
  2. Log into and click the link for "Wireless Guest Device Registration".


Eduroam is a secure, world-wide roaming internet access service developed for the international research and education community. It allows students, faculty, and staff to securely access the internet while visiting any of the 2000 education institutions in 54 countries that are participating in Eduroam.