Students who would like some help or simply would like to further practice their Spanish language skills are encouraged to sign up for one-on-one virtual tutoring with a more advanced fellow student. Additionally, students are also encouraged to take advantage of student-led conversation sessions called “Tertulias,” which take place twice a week and cover a variety of topics. To make an appointment for one of these services, please sign up here: http://oxford.emory.edu/SpanishTutorAppointments
Spring 2024 Spanish Tutors
- Romina Galasso (Spanish Tutoring & Tertulias) - romina.galasso.savage@emory.edu
- Selina Kao (Spanish Tutoring) - selina.kao@emory.edu
- Jasleen Rekhi (Spanish Tutoring) - jasleen.rekhi@emory.edu
- Julián Salazar (Spanish Tutoring & Tertulias) - julian.salazar@emory.edu