Oxford Staff Organization Bylaws
Last Amended June 2023
The Oxford Staff Organization is authorized by the dean of the college as an organization through which employees of the college can educate themselves and participate responsibly and meaningfully in the administration's direction of the college community. While the Organization is not a decision-making body in regard to college policy, it can provide information and ideas to those in decision making positions. It shall seek to represent an employee perspective to the administration. The organization shall support that perspective for the betterment of the college community and foster closer working relationships between staff, faculty, students and community.
The Oxford Staff Organization (OSO) brings together all campus staff on a regular basis for the purpose of:
- Giving voice to staff members of Oxford College with Oxford faculty, the Oxford Dean and Dean's Council, the greater Oxford/Covington community, and the greater Emory community
- Enhancing communication between the administration and staff at all organizational levels regarding university policies, practices and programs (across departments)
- Ensuring the dissemination of pertinent information to all Oxford staff
- Providing peer support for all Oxford staff members
- Fostering closer working relationships between the organizational areas and groups of employees at Oxford by endorsing and promoting community-building programs and activities
- Welcoming new staff members and acquainting them with the greater Oxford community
- Promoting professional development opportunities
- Supporting the principles of equal opportunity based upon the principle of Affirmative Action
- Reporting on matters related to the University Employee Council and Senate
General membership of the OSO includes all staff members. Membership on committees is on a voluntary basis. All staff members are encouraged to serve on a committee. The OSO Executive Board Member positions will include:
- OSO Chair
- OSO Chair-Elect
- OSO Treasurer
- Oxford Representative to the University Employee Council
- HR Representative
- Events Chair
- Communications Chair
- Service Outreach Chair
- Campus Services Liaison for Building & Residential Services
- Campus Services Liaison for Facilities Management
Should an OSO elected Executive Board member vacate their position mid-year, the OSO Executive Board will coordinate a special election to fill that position. If an OSO elected Executive Board member temporarily leaves the college on Long Term Leave or FMLA, the OSO Executive Board will appoint someone to fulfill the duties of that position in the interim.
- Chair: The term of the Chair is one year.
- Chair-Elect: The term of the Chair-elect is one year. The Chair-Elect takes minutes at all Executive Board meetings and General Body meetings as well as assists the Chair in preparation for the position of Chair the following year.
- Treasurer: The term of the Treasurer is one year, which may be repeated for up to one additional term.
- Representative to Oxford College Building and Grounds Committee: The term of Representative is one year, which may be repeated for up to one additional term.
- Oxford Representative to the University Employee Council and Senate: The term of the Employee Council Representative is two years
- Committee Chairs (Event, Service, & Communications): The term of Committee Chairs is one year, which may be repeated for up to one additional term.
Duties: All elected OSO Executive Board members will take over their duties as of June 1.
- The Chair is responsible for scheduling and facilitating OSO and Executive Board meetings, providing meeting agendas, and for holding elections of new OSO leadership. As appropriate, the Chair represents the interests of the staff on matters of administrative policy to the Dean.
- The Chair-Elect takes meeting minutes at Executive Board meetings and general OSO meetings and assumes the Chair's duties when such person is unable to do so during these meetings. The Chair-Elect maintains the OSO website.
- The Treasurer tracks expenditures, helps the Executive Board submit a budget proposal each year, solicits sponsorship from departments to sponsor breakfasts and/or lunches when there are full staff meetings, tracks fundraising efforts and ensures funds are properly transferred.
- The Oxford Representative to the University Employee Council attends monthly University Employee Council and University Senate meetings and reports to OSO on issues and progress of the Council.
- The Human Resources representative works with the OSO Executive Board to provide OSO meeting programming. The HR representative informs OSO on matters of professional development, personnel policy and work performance.
- The Event Chair leads the coordination of all social and professional programs hosted by OSO
- The Communications Chair is responsible for advertising programs via Eagle Post, Campus Update, emails and maintaining the OSO email account
- The Service Chair connects staff with community service opportunities and works in conjunction with the Director of Community Relations and Assistant Director of Student Involvement and Leadership – Community Engagement.
Elected positions on the OSO Executive Board include:
- OSO Chair
- OSO Chair-Elect
- OSO Treasurer
- OSO Representative to Oxford College Building and Grounds Committee
- Oxford Representative to the University Employee Council and Senate
- Events Chair
- Communications Chair
- Service Outreach Chair
The elected positions are nominated and voted on by the OSO body. Nominations will take place in March, voting will take place in April, and the newly elected OSO Executive Board members will be announced at the May OSO meeting. Nomination forms should be submitted prior to April 1. Nominees will have until the end of March to receive management approval and submit background descriptions, if they so desire. The HR director before announcement of elections results will review nominees. Elections will be coordinated by the OSO Chair, ChairElect and the Dean of the College. In the event that an individual is running for a board position uncontested, OSO members can vote for the uncontested individual, submit a write in candidate, or cast a vote of no confidence. If the uncontested individual does not receive a majority of votes, an additional nomination and election for the position will be required before June 1.
During the April elections, the OSO membership will have the opportunity to submit any bylaw amendments.
Meetings are held once a month. The monthly meeting may still occur, in a month where there is a social gathering, at the discretion of the Board. The Executive Board meets once per month prior to the general OSO meetings to discuss issues pertaining to the OSO and plan future initiatives, events and meeting schedules.
Official minutes and committee reports by the Executive Board shall be distributed via web site posting for all OSO members to access