Filing a Report
Our office receives and reviews allegations of non-academic misconduct against Emory University undergraduate students. Some examples of non-academic misconduct handled by our office are fighting, harassment, illegal drug use, intimidation, theft, threats, alcohol use, and vandalism. The Oxford College Code of Conduct provides the full list of expectations for how students should behave, and what behaviors are prohibited.
Anyone can submit an Incident Report Form. You may also contact Chief Conduct Officer, Phillip Sullivan, at or 770-784-8383. While anonymous reports are accepted, our ability to review and respond to a report that is filing anonymously is severely restricted.
Reporting to the police
Because sexual misconduct may constitute both a violation of University policy and criminal activity, persons having knowledge of a possible violation are strongly encouraged to report alleged Sexual Misconduct promptly to the Emory Police Department, or to local law enforcement authorities for incidents that occur off campus. The university strongly encourages survivors who have been sexually assaulted to report the assault, to seek assistance, and to pursue judicial action for their own protection and that of the entire campus community.
Confidential reporting (providing information without your name attached to it) is an available option with the Emory Police Department through the TIPS line ((404)727-TIPS/8477); however, investigative or criminal enforcement activity can be significantly limited in the case of anonymous reports. Regardless of whether a complainant pursues a criminal complaint, the university will investigate the incident in question and take appropriate responsive action to ensure that the educational environment at Emory is free of harassment and to prevent the recurrence of a hostile environment, and, as appropriate, to remedy the effects of the harassment.
Pursuant to Emory University's Mandated Child Abuse Reporting Policy, unless there is an exception under Georgia law, Emory University requires all Emory University Personnel, including faculty, staff, students and Third-Parties, to report suspected Child Abuse of which they are made aware in their Capacity of Employment or Duties. Child Abuse includes sexual abuse or exploitation of a person who is under eighteen (18) years old. Any uncertainty about whether reporting is required should always be resolved in favor of making a report to the Emory Police Department.
Reporting Sexual Misconduct for University Action
Every university employee who is informed about an allegation of sexual misconduct involving any student is required to notify a Deputy Title IX Coordinator or the Title IX Coordinator either directly or through their relevant reporting structure. Generally, university employees who serve in a professional role in which communication is privileged under Georgia law (e.g., medical providers, therapists, clergy, and some rape crisis center personnel) are not bound by this requirement, except as required by law. All members of the Emory University Community are encouraged to promptly report incidents of sexual harassment and discrimination; however, reports may be filed at any time.
Complaints under this sexual misconduct policy may be filed: (1) according to the established conduct code procedures applicable to the respondent, (2) with a Deputy Title IX Coordinator appointed within each school or program, or (3) with the University's Title IX Coordinator. A written or verbal complaint can be made directly to a Deputy Title IX Coordinator or to the Title IX Coordinator.
Retaliation prohibited
Federal regulations and university policy protect against retaliation directed at any individual who files a complaint under this policy or participates in an investigation of a complaint. A complaint of retaliation may be initiated with the Title IX Coordinator for any retaliatory actions resulting from the filing of a complaint under this policy.
For more information about reporting sexual misconduct, please see the Sexual Misconduct Policy.
It is the responsibility of every member of the faculty, administration and student body to cooperate in supporting the honor system. In pursuance of this duty, any individual, when he or she suspects that an offense of academic misconduct has occurred, shall report this suspected breach to the Student Chair of the Honor Council, the Faculty Coordinator of the Honor Council, or the Dean of Academic Affairs.
The Oxford College Campus Police is available 24 hours a day. If you have an urgent concern please call the police department at 770-784-8377. The police can contact Campus Life professional staff, including staff from the Residential Education and Services and Student Conduct to assist students with urgent concerns.