Academic Advising

Academic Advising is an integral part of Oxford College's student experience. While students are assigned faculty advisors prior to their arrival on campus, our office, the Advising Support Center provides services throughout a student's undergraduate experience.

The Advising Support Center (ASC) serves as a resource for Oxford College students as they navigate through their academic career. This is achieved in a number of ways:

  • Onboarding and New Student Orientation
  • General Education Program Completion
  • Processing Routine Academic Requests (i.e. processing overloads, course withdrawals, registration, etc.)
  • Monitoring Academic Concerns (i.e. midterm deficiencies, course absences, GPA monitoring, etc.)
  • Pathway Planning (e.g. selecting majors/minors, preprofessional advising, study abroad options)
  • Commencement and Graduation
  • Transition to Emory's Atlanta Campus and Emory's other Colleges (Arts & Sciences, Business or Nursing)

Advising Support Center Availability

Monday-Friday8:00am-5:00pm EST

Seney 103, 109,115E, 118

The Advising Support Center is moving to Navigate for our appointment scheduling. Please use the Navigate website or App to make an appointment. (Online bookings are postponed during the first two weeks of class. If you need to speak with a staff member, please email us at

Oxford requires first-year entering students to complete placement exams for specific courses in English, Foreign Languages, Mathematics and Lab Science courses. We want to make sure our students enroll in the right level of instruction to ensure their first year on campus is as successful as possible.

Please review the following information carefully. Each placement exam has specific information on how and where to access the exam, and when it is due. Placement exams are hosted on various platforms and have their own deadlines. Please contact the Advising Support Center if you have questions.

First-Year Writing Placement

Location: Emory Essentials, Canvas

Writing is an integral part of Oxford College’s liberal arts curriculum, both as a subject of study and as part of how learning happens across courses. An important step in your journey as a writer at Oxford will be to take a First-Year Writing (FYW) course sometime within your first year.

Your FYW course will introduce you to the range of writing and inquiry you are likely to encounter during your liberal arts education, and to practices that will help you engage effectively with these in your courses. As part of this, you will engage with writing across disciplines, genres, and purposes, as well as intensive practice in academic reading, writing, and research.

Directed Self-Placement. We believe that with adequate information and guidance, you are in the best position to choose the FYW course that best meets your learning needs or whether to apply any exemption credit you may have. We will give you the “direction” (information and guidance) and you will “place” yourself. As part of this guidance, we require that all students, regardless of AP or IB credit, complete the FYW Directed-Self Placement (DSP).

The DSP consists of a reflective questionnaire about your prior reading, writing, and research experiences and provides you with our recommendation on which FYW course(s) will meet your learning needs. You will also have the option of uploading an example of your writing that best represents your academic writing. The questionnaire will be available on Canvas  starting June 1st.

You are ultimately in charge of how you will meet your FYW requirement and so we encourage you to be proactive in learning about your options and reflecting on your learning needs. In conjunction with the DSP questionnaire, we recommend that you:

  • Plan on discussing your FYW placement with your advisor, who will receive your placement recommendation, your answers to the reflective questions, and your optional writing sample.
  • Explore the Inside Oxford First-Year Writing page to read about English 185 and 186 and to learn about the themes available.
  • Attend the optional FYW placement information session during orientation, when you can meet FYW faculty.
  • Contact the Director of the Writing Program, if you have questions or need additional support: Dr. Gwendolynne Reid,
  • For technology questions, contact or call 770-312-6766. Note: Emory students can download Microsoft Office (including MS Word) for free.

Chemistry Placement

Location: ALEKS

Chemistry 150 is the first chemistry course for science majors, pre-med, pre-nursing, and pre-health students. The Oxford College Chemistry Preparation online module is designed to get you ready to succeed in Chemistry 150. Students who are interested in taking Chemistry 150 during their first academic year at Oxford should complete the OCCP, as achieving 100% completion (Not mastery) by the deadline counts as 3% of your course grade in Chemistry 150. Students with chemistry AP or IB credit may take Chemistry 150, or they may exempt Chemistry 150 and start with Chemistry 202; if they start with Chemistry 202 they do not need to complete the OCCP but if they start in Chemistry 150, they must complete the OCCP to get the 3 percent of their course grade. Any student considering taking Chemistry 150 is strongly advised to complete the OCCP before the first day of classes so you can complete it in time. The deadline to complete the OCCP is the end of Add/drop/swap for the semester you are taking CHEM 150.

Once you complete the OCCP, the results are good for Chemistry 150 any time at Oxford; you do not have to retake it.

Accessing ALEKS

The OCCP is administered through the artificial intelligence-based teaching tool called ALEKS. ALEKS is an adaptive, artificially intelligent learning system that provides students with an individualized learning experience tailored to each student's strengths and weaknesses.


2. Click on the "SIGN UP NOW!" link located under the login box on the left of the page.

3. Enter the Course Code: Oxford College Chemistry Preparation: W4W34-DHH3R in the box labeled "Using ALEKS with a Class?" and click on "Continue."

4. Verify that you are registering for the correct course and click on "Continue."

5. On the next page you will create an account. Please provide all the information requested. Remember, your Emory student number is NOT

your social security number. You must enter your seven-digit Emory student number (you can find this information on your OPUS account).

6. After you complete your account set up you will be logged into ALEKS and can immediately begin working in the course.


Students will be asked to complete an initial assessment to determine their knowledge level. This initial assessment is VERY important because it will determine the level a student will begin their learning modules. Key tips and reminders for the initial assessment:

· Take the assessment carefully and honestly- ALEKS will force you to work through material you already know if you are not careful and honest in taking your assessment

· Never click "I don't know " unless you really have no idea how to do the problem

· Assessment should take 60-90 minutes


After you take the initial assessment, you will see a pie graph of your achievement. Look below the pie chart to see how many topics you've mastered out of the total number possible. The goal is to have 100% mastery at the OCCP deadline. You will want to follow the onscreen directions to work in the ALEKS pie. The system will help you learn the things you need to understand so that you can earn 100% on the assessment. Depending on your chemistry background, this could take from a couple of hours to a much longer time, which is why you should start the OCCP well before the deadline.

Note: It is important that you try to complete the OCCP within three months – before your OCCP subscription expires. If your subscription expires you should contact ALEKS support and request a Higher Ed subscription extension.

If you have questions about the OCCP or Chemistry 150, please contact:

· Dr. Lloyd Parker 

· Dr. Nichole Powell 

If you experience technical issues accessing your ALEKS account, please contact ALEKS support: (714) 619-7090. Do not contact Dr. Parker or Dr. Powell for technical issues.

Biology Placement

Placement recommendation for Biology is determined by the Oxford College science division based on high school GPA and AP/IB scores (if submitted). Biology AP or IB scores must be submitted to the college by August 1st in order for scores to be factored into the placement evaluation. An AP score of 4 or 5, or IB scores of 5,6,7, may be used to exempt out of the Biology 141 LECTURE only (BIOL 141). Students who choose to take the AP/IB credit for the Biology 141 Lecture will be required to take BIOLOGY 141 LAB (BIOL 141L/BIOL_OX 141L), a two credit hour lab course (offered only in the fall semester at Oxford College for first-year students and in summer school at Emory College) to complete the requirement for the Biology major or for pre-health requirements. In many cases, students with an AP score of 4 or IB score of 5 are encouraged to take the integrated Biology 141 lecture and lab course at Oxford (BIOL_OX 141) which best prepares students for the expectations that have to be met in upper level courses. 

If you have questions, please contact Sarah Fankhauser ( 

World Language Placement

Location: Varying locations: Emory Essentials, Canvas; WebCAPE Priority 

Any student planning to take a language course in Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Latin ,and/or Spanish at Oxford College is required to take the corresponding Language Placement test. While Oxford College students are not required to complete foreign language credit for their Associate of Arts degree, foreign language is a requirement for Emory College degree completion.

Arabic (Canvas)

The Arabic Language Placement Test is intended to help determine the level of students' knowledge of the Arabic Language. The test must ONLY be taken by students with prior knowledge of Arabic--including students who are heritage Arabic speakers--who intend to enroll in an Arabic language course. How to access the test:

1. Log into Canvas

2. Click on Emory Essentials: Oxford New Student Orientation Course

3. Locate Arabic Exam in modules

Chinese (Canvas)

The Chinese Language Placement Test is designed to determine the level of student's knowledge of Chinese. The test must be taken by any student who would like to take Chinese at Oxford College, regardless of prior experience. How to access the test:

1. Log in on Canvas

2. Click on "Courses" on the navigation bar on the left

3. Scroll down to click on “All Courses”

4. Then “Browse More Courses” on the upper-right corner of the page

5. Check “open enrollment courses only,” and then “Search”

6. Hover over the Chinese Placement Test, and click on “Join this Course”

French, German, and Spanish (WebCAPE)

The French, German, and Spanish departments at Oxford College use an online assessment tool called WebCAPE to determine placement. If you are interested in taking courses in one of these languages, please follow the instructions below on how to access the assessment on WebCAPE. If you are interested in more than one language you will need to take the assessment for each language separately.

1. Visit the TrueNorth WebCAPE Foreign Language Placement Exam website

2. Create an account. When asked for "ID Number" please use your empID number (your Oxford-Emory 7 digit student ID number)

3. Login with the account just created

4. Select the language (Spanish, French, German) you wish to take.

5. Proceed to take the pre-test survey and then the test.


Placement for those wishing to take Latin will be based on previous Latin courses taken, and the judgment of the department faculty. There is no online assessment that needs to be completed over the summer, but please contact Dr. Bayerle if you have an interest in taking Latin courses while at Oxford College.


Arabic: Anouar El Younssi,

Chinese: Zheng Gu,

French: Matthew Moyle, 

German: Dan Walter, 

Latin: Henry Bayerle, 

Spanish: Bridgette Gunnels, 

Mathematics Placement

Location: Emory Essentials, Canvas

The Mathematics and Computer Science department at Oxford College wants you to be as successful as possible in your mathematics courses. A large part of that success starts with choosing a class that is appropriate for your current level of preparation. Taking the math placement exam is required of any student that wants to take a course on the calculus track while at Oxford. Specifically, this includes courses: Math 110, 111, 112, and some 200+ level courses.* This requirement exists so that we have the opportunity to give you well-informed advice regarding what we feel might be the best first course in mathematics for you. It should go without saying that students who might be interested in majors and programs requiring calculus (e.g., the natural sciences, economics, quantitative science, computer science, math, business, etc.) should plan to take the math placement exam.

Importantly, taking the math placement test is a requirement, but the placement recommendation that results is just that -- a recommendation. You are not bound to follow it -- although it is likely to be in your best interest to do so.

Starting on June 1st, you will be able to take the math placement exam online through Canvas. After logging into Canvas (Emory Essentials), navigate to the placement module where you will be presented with additional directions for taking the test.

If it is relevant to your situation, make sure you are aware of the credit awarded for the various AP test scores in mathematics and computer science.

Pre-medical or pre-business students should also be aware of the suggested math courses for pre-professional students.

* Note: taking the math placement exam is not required to enroll in Math 100 - Introduction to College Algebra, even though it prepares students for the calculus track.

If you have questions about the Math Placement please contact Paul Oser, If you have technical issues accessing the exam in Canvas, please contact the Advising Support Center,

Nursing & Pre-Health Advising

You do not have to major in a science to be successfully admitted to a health professions program. If you are serious about preparing for a health profession career, start selecting basic science pre-requisite courses as an opportunity to test aptitude and interest in the sciences. Do not overload; balance your schedule. Make sure you incorporate required pre-health courses into your curriculum.

Pre-Health FAQs 

Connect with the Pre-Health Advising Office

Students can also contact Prof. Annette Neuman (

Information that will set you off in the right direction when looking into continuing your education in one of Emory's Academic specialties:

The Advising Support Center is helping to support testing accommodations authorized through Emory’s Department of Accessibility Services (DAS). Students with testing accommodations should receive letters from DAS with their list of approved accommodations. As always, faculty members who wish to control the time, location, and opportunity for students to ask questions during the test are encouraged to manage accommodated tests themselves. We can assist faculty members who are able to finalize their exam well in advance and who are flexible about when and how their exams are administered.

If you have a student who needs testing accommodations, please contact the ASC’s Coordinator of Accommodated Testing at The coordinator will discuss your form submission options: there is a new Kuali form that allows faculty to submit information for multiple students and multiple exams, and there is a Microsoft form for individual exams. Faculty must submit the form, exam materials, and any additional materials at least 2-business days in advance of the student’s testing appointment. Earlier submissions are always welcome!

Several weeks before scheduled exams, please ask your student to book an accommodated testing appointment with our office here: In Fall 2024, accommodated testing will be available in Seney Hall Monday through Friday. Students must schedule their appointment at least 4-business days in advance.

Students will be asked to leave their backpacks/personal items in the ASC and will only be permitted to take items as indicated in the request process (i.e., formula sheets, calculator, etc.) into the testing room. We also have two high-definition cameras that are always recording and allow live monitoring.

Late Policy:

The ASC has a 10-minute grace period for scheduled accommodated tests. If a student is more than 10 minutes late to their appointment, we reserve the right to ask the student to reschedule. When a student is more than 10 minutes late, we will always notify the faculty via email. Prior to the scheduled test, please indicate on accommodated testing forms how we should proceed if a student is late. Faculty can choose one of the following:

1. Allow the student to reschedule for another day (subject to availability of ASC testing space)

2. Allow the student to use the remaining time to complete their test (for example: if the student has an hour and a half to complete the test and arrives 30 minutes late, they will only have an hour left to complete the test)

3. Not allow the student to reschedule nor take the test with the remaining time (treat as unexcused and factor into grade according to your syllabus policies)

Please contact our ASC accommodated testing email with questions or concerns about accommodated testing. Thank you!

To request permission to return to Oxford after withdrawing or being absent for one or more semesters (other than the summer semester), students must complete a readmission form. There is no application fee for readmission.

Applications, personal statements, all supporting materials, and up-to-date Health Care Provider Statement(s) from each provider confirming medical clearance (if applicable) are due on or before the following dates:

Intended Semester of Return (Fall/Spring)Priority DeadlineRegular DeadlineLate Application Deadline
Spring Semester Readmission DeadlinesOctober 1stOctober 15thNovember 1st
Fall Semester Readmission DeadlinesMarch 15thApril 15thN/A

Students applying for readmission after academic exclusion at the end of their last term at Oxford must additionally submit a petition outlining their plan for successful degree completion to the associate dean for academic affairs along with the Readmissions Application request.

Students applying for readmission after medical withdrawal must provide up-to-date documentation of medical clearance, and confirmation of arrangements for on-going treatment if necessary, on the Health Care Provider Statement. Each provider must submit a separate Health Care Provider Statement; this may include staff from Oxford’s Student Health Services. Readmission following withdrawal for medical reasons requires clearance by designated university health officials.

Readmission to Oxford College is not guaranteed. All readmission applications are evaluated on the condition that the student can establish a reasonable plan for how they will successfully complete their Oxford

College degree within the allotted time and abide by the expectations of the institution as responsible members of the Oxford College community. Applicants for readmission must be clear of all financial obligations to the institution, and, if applicable, have addressed any Honors Code violations and/or Conduct Code issues.

All readmission application materials and supporting documents must be sent to the Advising Support Center, Oxford College of Emory University, 118 Few Circle, Seney Hall Suite #103, Oxford, GA 30054 or sent electronically to

Oxford students have a variety of options for their first and second summers before going to Atlanta. Students can use their summer to enrich their minds through courses and research, broaden their horizons through travel or internships, or refresh themselves with much-needed relaxation and rest. The information below can help Oxford students begin the process of discovering some of these options.

Internships - Students wanting to find information on how to look for and secure internships or to find additional funding for unpaid internships can work with the Career and Professional Development Office by checking out their website here or the Center for Pathways and Purpose by checking out their website here.

Research - The SURE program is a ten-week summer program on the Oxford College campus. During this time, undergraduate research fellows conduct full-time independent research with the support of a faculty mentor. For more information go here

Emory Summer School - Students who wish to take courses over the summer can choose to take classes through Emory College. A variety of courses are offered both in-person and online. These courses will provide credit towards your Oxford graduation and can be counted for GERs. A full list of classes being offered can be found on Course Atlas. Students wanting to enroll in classes should work with the Advising Support Center. More information about tuition can be found here.

Domestic Transient Study - Students are able to take classes at a university or college in the United States during the summer between their first and second years at Oxford. Students interested in Domestic Transient Study (DTS) should ensure they are familiar with Oxford's transfer credit policy before applying. Most GERs cannot be fulfilled by transient credit, with the exception of ENG 185 and one Intercultural Communication course. Students must work with an Advising Support Center advisor in order to have their application processed. Students looking to take these courses online should know that Oxford does not give credit for any courses taken asynchronously. For more information on Domestic Transient Study and a link to the application, go here.

International Transient Study - F1 visa holders are able to take courses in their home country through the International Transient Study program (ITS). This process is handled through the Atlanta campus. Oxford students can bring in a total of 7 credits from ITS, but all credits may not count towards your Oxford degree depending on how many transfer credits you already have. Many major departments will not accept ITS courses for major requirements, so any student seeking to take major courses through ITS should reach out to their major department to inquire about their policy on ITS courses. The Advising Support Center is here to help support any of our Oxford students who are considering this summer option. You can learn more about International Transient Study by going to their website found here

  • EAB Navigate- Advising System for appointments, notes and, tracking.
  • Advising Portal - This portal provides a visual list of your advisees with vital information for each one. 
  • OPUS - Where you will find information about your advisees' courses, and degree tracker
  • Newsletter Archive - The Advising Support Center sends out a monthly newsletter during the school year with helpful and pertinent information related to academic advising. 

Advising Support Center

Advising Support Center Office
Seney 103, 118, 109 and 115E
Make an Appointment: