Oxford - Atlanta Campus Shuttle

The Oxford to Atlanta shuttle runs between campuses seven days a week.


All operations have resumed their regular schedule.

Oxford-Atlanta shuttle schedule

Shuttles departing Oxford Monday - Friday at 5:15a, 8:15a, 10:45a, 1:45p, and 4:30p or  leaving Atlanta at 6:30a, 9:30a, 12p, 3p, or 5:45p Monday-Friday are provided by Oxford Transportation Services and are  not be visible in Emory's PassioGo shuttle tracking system.  In addition, shuttles running on Saturday departing Oxford at 10:45a, 12p, 1:45p, 2:30p, and 4:30p or leaving Atlanta at 12p, 1:15p, 3p, 3:45p, or 5:45p are provided by Oxford and are not in the University's PassioGo shuttle tracking system.

All other shuttles originate from the Atlanta Campus and will be visible via Passio Go.  

Need another way to the Atlanta campus?

Students needing to travel to the Atlanta campus for class or other official business outside of the shuttle times and who have had a driver's license with a clean driving record for at least 2 years, can request to become driver-certified and will have the option to use an Oxford minivan to drive to the Atlanta campus for free, via our  Oxford Wheels program.  An Atlanta parking permit is provided for these vehicles.  For information about this program and to learn more about our driver certification process, please see the Oxford Wheels section of our website or contact us at 404-989-8900.

  Emory Launches Passio Go for Shuttle Tracking - Spring 2024

  Passio Go graphic