Volunteer Oxford
Volunteer Oxford is a student-driven organization at Oxford College of Emory University housed in the Office of Student Development. The organization exposes students to community issues and needs by offering opportunities to make a difference through ongoing service projects and special events as well as maintaining a resource center to help members of the Oxford College community connect to agencies in Newton County and surrounding areas.
Volunteer Oxford Email List
Do you want to be directly informed of volunteer opportunities? Sign up for our VO email list by emailing us at volunteerox@gmail.com.
To assist Oxford College students in developing an understanding of lifelong active citizenship while making positive contributions to the surrounding community through meaningful service opportunities, community engagement, and transformative learning.
Volunteer Oxford envisions a campus in which all students engage in meaningful service opportunities and experiences.
- Collaboration
- Social Responsibility
- Inquiry-guided Learning
- Cultural Competence
Outreach Areas
Animal Outreach, Global Outreach, Healthcare & Hospitals, Hunger & Homelessness, Environmental Outreach, Special Populations (Senior citizens, special needs, etc), Women’s Issues, Youth Outreach, Education/Literacy
Learning Outcomes
As a result of their involvement with Volunteer Oxford, students will be able to:
- Identify areas of community need and means in which to serve it
- Recognize one's responsibility to participate in one's own community and the broader society
- Articulate a heightened sense of civility, justice, and respect for those around them
- Define and practice the tenets of positive social change
- Gain exposure to societal needs and systemic issues
Guiding Theories
The primary models that infuse Volunteer Oxford’s philosophy of developing active, engaged citizens through positive social change and service are: The Social Change Model of Leadership1, Social Justice Theory2, Break Away’s Active Citizen Continuum3, and Kolb’s Experiential Learning Model4.
1Astin, Helen S. and Alexander W. Astin. A Social Change Model of Leadership Development Guidebook Version III. The National Clearinghouse of Leadership Programs, 1996.
2Adams, Bell and Griffin. Teaching for Diversity and Social Justice 2nd ed.Routledge, 2007.
4Kolb, D. A. (1984). Experiential Learning: Experience as the source of learning and development. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall.
Volunteer Oxford Coordinators (VOCs)
VOCs oversee the implementation of all Volunteer Oxford projects and events. To learn more about VOCs, click the corresponding link in the menu to the left of the screen.
Project Coordinators
Project Coordinators focus on one outreach area/community partner that is meaningful to them and recruit student involvement for weekly service projects.
Junior Project Coordinators
JPCs are first-year students selected to shadow and support the PCs so as to learn the ropes of the outreach area/community partner with the intention of furthering their leadership within Volunteer Oxford! Apply online to be a JPC!
Log-in your service hours online to be eligible for the monthly "Atticus HAYyoudidGOOD Award!"
Natalie Raymond
Sharon Lewis