After Hours/Weekend Care

For after hours/weekend urgent medical concerns

Our regular office hours are Monday through Friday, 9am-5pm.  If you can't wait until Student Health Services reopens you should review the following options and pick one you feel is best to assist with meeting your healthcare needs: 

  • Urgent Care/Hospital ER: Refer to the List of After Hour Provider Options for off-campus providers near the Oxford and Atlanta campuses.
  • AccessNurse on Call: For medical questions and help navigating next steps, contact the AccessNurse (Emory University Student Health Services after hours medical call center) at 404-727-7551 and press "0".   
  • Urgent Assistance/Non-Emergency: Contact campus police at 404-727-6111 and ask to speak with the RLC on call for assistance. 

In case of emergency

Call 911 immediately in the event of a serious or life-threatening emergency.

If someone can't walk, is unconscious or if they have severe symptoms such as difficulty breathing, chest pain, etc., don't hesitate to call 911. Don't waste time trying to get the individual to Student Health Service for evaluation as we have limited emergency resources. Newton County Emergency Medical Service (EMS) will provide crisis care and transportation to the hospital emergency room. EMS will request the following information when a call is placed to them:

  • Person's name and exact location
  • Reason service is needed
  • Name and phone number of the caller
  • Please contact Campus Police at 770-784-8377 to escort emergency services quickly to person in need.