
Follow these steps to complete the transient study application and credit transfer process:

  • Please visit the Transient Study Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) section for more information or email questions to
  • Determine if the host institution you plan to attend has their own transient study application and permission form requiring the signature of a College Official. If so, submit this form to Oxford's Registrar's Office when you submit your Oxford transient study application.
  • Research host institution’s courses to see if they look equivalent to any classes at Oxford College. Oxford will accept courses from accredited institutions, including two and four-year colleges.
  • Students are required to meet with the Advising Support Center (ASC) to make a plan for transient study before completing an application. 

Mode of Instruction

Students taking classes online are required to verify the synchronous nature of their classes.

What counts as synchronous?Classes must meet at a listed time with the primary instructor and the full class for a minimum of 360 minutes per credit hour. For example, a 3-credit hour* course would need at least 1080 total minutes of synchronous instruction. Office hours, group work, optional meetings, practice opportunities—none of these factor into the minimum computation.

  • Who is responsible for ensuring that a proposed course meets the synchronicity guidelines? You, the student. If you have questions about the synchronicity of a course, please contact the Advising Support Center before enrolling. Please note that when faculty approve a transient study application, they are designating the course content as sufficiently equivalent to Emory University’s curriculum. Verification of synchronicity is a separate process with a separate form and reviewers.

Faculty approval of a transient course's content does not imply suitability for you personally. You bear responsibility for correctly understanding the course you are attempting, and how that will be credited at Oxford/Emory.

* Credit hours are different at quarter system and semester system schools. To calculate the synchronous hours required for a school on the quarter system, please use the semester hour conversion. More info about converting quarter hours to semester hours is available on the FAQ page.

Submit Initial Application.

  • Complete the online application. Incomplete applications will NOT be processed.
  • Registration delays at the host institution can be avoided by submitting transient study applications at least three to four weeks prior to the host institution enrollment deadline.

Submit Supplemental Application.

  • A Supplemental Application must be submitted for any additional courses or for any changes to the course submitted in the Initial Application.
  • Applications for up to six (6) classes may be submitted.

Receiving Transient Study Approval Notification

  • Students, their assigned advisor and the Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs will be notified via email of Transient Study approval with a "Letter of Authorization". This letter will indicate which courses have been approved or denied for transient study credit.
  • A "Good Standing" letter from the Oxford Registrar's Office will be sent directly to the host institution. Registration delays at the host institution can be avoided by correctly entering the host institution email address on the Transient Study application form.

Request a transcript from host institution to be sent to the Oxford College Registrar's Office.

  • Colleges/universities do not send official transcripts automatically: there are privacy laws requiring institutions to get a student's permission in writing to release official records. Students will need to request that the host institution send a transcript to Oxford College once grades are official. 
  • The Oxford College Registrar's Office can receive transcripts either electronically using the email address or by mail to the following address only: Domestic Transient Study, Registrar's Office, Oxford College, 801 Emory Street, Hopkins Hall, Oxford GA, 30054.
  • Students will be notified of credit posting via email after receipt of the official transcript and final
    application review. Depending on the volume of other transcripts being received credit evaluation may take 1-4 weeks.
  • Students are eligible to receive transient study credit until October 1st of the fall semester following the completion of the transient study course work.
  • Transient study coursework only includes the transfer of credits. No grades will be posted to a student's Oxford record, nor will the GPA be calculated with Oxford GPA. Students must receive a grade of "C" or better in courses to receive transient student credit. Credit with a grade of "C-" or lower will not transfer.

Additional Information

  • A maximum of 8 credits from outside of Emory/Oxford can count towards the Oxford Associate of Arts degree. This includes AP/IB and other test credit, transient study, mobility credit, and other college transfer credits. Any remaining credit up to 18 total credits will be applied to the student's bachelor's degree from Emory. 
  • Oxford College students may earn post-matriculation credits outside of Emory University from a single accredited institution of higher education. Students may not combine transient study as well as Emory College of Arts and Sciences summer school. Students for whom this presents a hardship should include in their narrowly tailored plan for academic work a request for a formal exception to this policy.