Domestic Transient Study gives students the opportunity to enroll at accredited institutions within the United States (including Puerto Rico and U.S Virgin Islands) during the summer between their first year and sophomore years, while they earn credits towards their Oxford College degree. Transient Study may not be completed during Fall or Spring terms. Students who matriculate at Oxford College as first year students and begin their college career here, who are in good academic standing in the College with a GPA of 2.0 or higher are eligible for Domestic Transient Study.
A combined total of eighteen credit hours of the following types of credit may be granted for individuals entering Oxford College as first-year students: A maximum of 8 hours from outside of Oxford/Emory may be used toward Oxford College Associate of Arts degree requirements. Other rules for Transient Study are specified in the Oxford College catalog. Business and most Nursing courses are not transferable to Oxford. Courses must be equivalent to a course taught by Oxford/Emory College faculty. It is important for students to consult with the Advising Support Center to ensure the feasibility of their intended courses. Students also may not enroll in asynchronous online courses through Transient Study. For more information about the synchronous requirement, please visit the Domestic Transient Study "Guidelines" page. Accreditation Official recognition, regional certification, or state certification from accrediting agencies and state approved agencies recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education. Advisor The Oxford faculty advisor is assigned to students based on their enrollment in their Discovery Seminar (the instructor of record is also the advisor of record). The assigned advisor works with advisees to navigate their general education program while at Oxford College. Faculty advisors also help students prepare for their intended majors/minors at Emory’s Atlanta campus. While assigned advisors may not be experts in a student’s intended academic concentration, they will be able to refer them to colleagues at Oxford who can also provide guidance. Elective Credit Credit that does not fulfill any academic requirement, but may count towards fulfilling graduation credit hours. General Education Program or GEP Specific education components of Oxford College degree requirements. Please see the Oxford College Catalog. Host/Visiting School Accredited institution (other than Emory University) located within the U.S. and its territories. Letter of Authorization Letter approving or denying courses and/or transfer credits listed on application. Letter of Good Standing Letter to host school verifying standing and enrollment. It also grants permission for visiting enrollment at host school for the summer term. Initial Application First transient study application. Supplemental Application Additional applications (up to 6 total applications are allowed).
The Domestic Transient Study application allows submissions for up to 6 courses. Students may want to apply for a backup class/classes in case their initial choice(s) is closed or cancelled.
A maximum of 8 hours from outside of Oxford/Emory may be used toward Oxford College Associate of Arts degree requirements. Any remaining credits up to 18 total credits will be applied to the student's bachelor's degree from Emory.
(for transient study purposes)